Parent Bulletin 06.09.19
This week
What a pleasure it was to welcome everyone back this week. The vast majority of students looked very smart. If for any reason there is ever an issue with uniform, please ensure you write a note in your child’s planner.
The students have received a new look Student Planner this week. This is because homework is now being set online. We have tried to distribute all their log-in codes but there are always one or technical issues. The IT Department will be able to iron out any of these over the next week. Students must always still carry their planner with them and have it available in lessons. It remains one of the ways staff and parents can communicate and it has lots of important information they will need to refer to. Please continue to sign it weekly.
Coming soon
Students at Darrick Wood School are generally punctual. However, those that do not arrive before the school day starts at 8.35am are given Late Detentions. These have until now been completed at lunchtime. From Monday, 9th September Late Detention will be completed after school and will last until 3.25pm. This will be on the same day they arrived late.
With the launch of online homework setting, we will also be launching a parent app so that parents can see what homework has been set. We will be in touch soon to let you know how to do this.
KS3 reading log
All pupils in Years 7-9 will have a reading log to complete as part of their English homework this term. These logs will list the books that the pupils have independently selected and is a record of how much and how often they are reading. Please ensure you check and sign these reading logs, as well as encouraging your child to read often for pleasure. Discussions about the book and author are always enjoyable, you could potentially source a film version and watch it together or even reading together will provide a fantastic insight into your child’s ability to read clearly, coherently and build their confidence in reading aloud.
Following the above, all pupils in Years 7-9 have been invited to participate in this year’s Read-a-thon sponsored read. The money raised goes towards buying books for seriously ill children in hospital. Last year, pupils in Years 7 and 8 raised over £812.47 and one student raised £175! Those who raise the most are rewarded with a certificate and gift card. Additionally, the School is rewarded with book vouchers worth 20% of the raised amount – which is increasingly appreciated in these financially difficult times. A letter will be sent out to parents outlining details.
Football trials will be:
Year 8 – Monday after school on the 3G pitch. Finishing time 4.30-5pm
Year 7 – Tuesday after school on the field. Finishing time 4.30-5pm
Year 9 – Tuesday afterschool on the 3G. Finishing time 4.30-5pm
Sixth Form – Wednesday period 5 on the 3G
Girls – Wednesday after school on the 3G. Finishing time 4.30-5pm
Years 10 and 11 – Thursday after school on the 3G. Finishing time 4.30-5pm
Dates for the diary
Wednesday, 11th September 6.30pm – Sixth Form Parents’ Forum (Year 12)
Thursday, 19th September – Prize Giving
Thursday, 26th September – Year 7 ‘settling in’ Evening – parents of Year 7
Wednesday, 2nd October – Open Evening