Parent Bulletin 26/04/24

Parent Bulletin 26/04/24

This week

Assemblies this week started with a presentation by Isabella, Isobel, Rosalind, Hannah and Lizzie who all went on the recent Netball Tour. They shared their review of the Tour and encouraged others to go on the Tour next year.  They all spoke with clarity and were excellent ambassadors for school sport.

As mentioned in previous bulletins, we encourage students to participate in many ways in assemblies either through performance or through a presentation. Last week’s singing by Piper, Isla, Georgia Mae, Lucy, Elizabeth, Chloe, Amy, Annalise, Gabriella, Alexia, Olivia, Rachel and Esme was very entertaining and proved how confidence can be developed by performing to an audience in this way. Well done to all who have started our assemblies this year so far.

The theme this week was Time. Students were challenged to think deeply about concepts such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the Theory of Everything and we heard about the potential or otherwise of time travel. We also considered how time seems to go faster the older we get and how important it is to make the most of every day, and in school that of course means getting the most out of the learning opportunities presented to us.

The St. George’s flag has been flying high above the Year 11 playground in celebration of St. George’s Day which was on Tuesday.

We were very impressed again this week by Year 10 students who have reached the end of their first formal examinations. We held an assembly with them this afternoon to say well done. Those that wanted them could also celebrate with a cookie or doughnut. We await the results but they should be very proud of themselves for their conduct during the exams.

Reading Realm

A student magazine with the focus on reading and creative writing, book reviews, news stories, and some art work is being made available to students to read. Well done to all involved.

Pre-loved uniform sale

Don’t forget the Pre-loved uniform sale tomorrow (Saturday, 27th April), 10-11am in Dining Hall 2 at the School. Come and pick up a bargain or two and raise funds for the PSFA. We would really like to see additional funds raised so that we can afford to continue improving the outdoor spaces for students. In particular, we are looking to install much needed shades near the Year 7 playground before the sunnier and hotter weather comes along. Funds raised by the PSFA have really helped this project and others so please give generously.

Dates for the diary

Saturday, 27th AprilPSFA uniform saleDining Hall 2, 10-11am
Tuesday, 30th AprilLeavers’ photographs Years 11 and 13
Monday, 6th MayBank HolidaySchool closed
Thursday, 9th MayPublic Examinations start 
Monday, 27th MayHalf-term break 
Monday, 3rd JuneReturn from half-term break Years7-9 assessments for next two weeks 
Monday, 24th JuneYear 12 examinations 
Wednesday, 3rd JulySports Day – Years 7-9Norman Park Athletics Arena
Monday, 15th JulyYear 8 Sayers Croft tripHalf Mon-Wed, half Wed-Fri
Wednesday, 24th JulyLast day of term
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