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Month: June 2023

Parent Bulletin 23/06/23

Parent Bulletin 23/06/23

Latest In last week’s assemblies, students were encouraged to consider the theme of Senses but not only five usual human senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. We considered a whole host of other possible senses such as super sight (when an animal sees things differently to humans), super smell (i.e. the way some dogs seem to be able to detect serious diseases in humans and save lives), that dolphins seem to be able detect when a human is…

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Parent Bulletin 09/06/23

Parent Bulletin 09/06/23

Latest We hope that students who have been sitting public examinations were able to find the right balance between rest and revision over the half-term break. For the rest of the School before the break, it was business as usual and we had some amazing music in our assemblies from the Year 9 rock band. In assemblies students were provided with some inspiring examples, both recent and from longer ago, of people who have fought for freedom from injustice. Examples…

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